Cognitive First Week
- Infants

Hang the Munnari mobile above your baby’s crib or play area, positioning it about 12 inches above them, so they can comfortably see the high-contrast black and white shapes. Make sure the mobile is securely fastened. Gently spin the mobile or let it move naturally in the air to catch the baby’s attention. Munnari mobile is made using high-contrast black-and-white geometric shapes like circles and squares. These shapes are attached to strings and hung from a lightweight frame, placed above the baby’s crib or play area
Intelligence: Visual
Skills: Cognitive
Purpose (How it helps your child to learn): The purpose of the Munnari mobile is to encourage visual tracking and focus. Babies in their early months are more responsive to high-contrast patterns, and the black and white shapes help to stimulate and develop their visual system
Special tips: Make sure the mobile moves slowly, as rapid movement can be overwhelming. Position the mobile within the baby's field of vision, adjusting as they grow and develop better control over eye movement.
Frequency: Every waking hour
Material: None
Competence: Visual competence
Sensory/Motor: Sensory

Place your baby on his back with bare feet. Gently hold one leg and, using your other hand, press the flat part of your thumbnail along the outer sole of your baby's foot, starting from the heel and moving toward the toe. Observe the baby’s response and repeat the process on the other foot. You can say "touch" each time to engage the baby's auditory senses and strengthen communication.
Intelligence: Bodily physical
Skills: Cognitive
Purpose (How it helps your child to learn):This method helps assess the Babinski reflex while fostering early parent-child interaction.
Special tips: None
Frequency: 10 times daily approx. 30 seconds
Material: None
Competence: Tactile Competence
Sensory/Motor: Sensory